Event Details
The link of the event can be found here. Monday July 06, 2020 17:00 – 18:00 (Greece)
Event Details
The link of the event can be found here.
Monday July 06, 2020
17:00 – 18:00 (Greece)
Discussion about the ways in which big data can improve the efficiency of operations in State owned enterprises, based on experiences from abroad and pilot projects run locally in Athens.
Moderator: Vassilis Papakonstantinou, Vice Chairman, MITEF Greece

Vassilis Papakonstantinou is a technology entrepreneur with over 20 years of hands-on experience across a range of industry sectors. He is the co-founder of Mobiltron, Inc, a technology startup developing passive authentication technology using behavioral biometrics and building industry-specific solutions for identity resolution and user-generated data attribution. He is a partner in Sylipsis, Inc, a company helping researchers move their ideas from the lab to the market and providing managed technology development as a service.
He is the co-founder and Vice-Chairman of the MIT Enterprise Forum Greece, the Greek chapter of an MIT inspired global network, that enables technology entrepreneurs to rapidly transform ideas into world-changing companies. He is the co-founder and Treasurer of the Greek Technology Enterprise Forum, Inc (also knows as Hellenic Innovation Network), a US-based charity that supports the entrepreneurial growth of the Greek tech ecosystem. He consults the Boards of several organizations on issues related to technology and science. He sits on the Board of Fasmatech, a startup developing mass spectroscopy technology. Until recently he was also on the Board of VIORYL, a chemical engineering company, and Metis Cybertechnologies, a company developing vessel performance solutions.
He holds degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and Ocean Systems Management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He has conducted research in automated control systems, risk management and system dynamics. He is an active volunteer of the MIT Alumni Association since graduation and has served as Chairman of the MIT Club of Greece from Jan 2011 to Jan 2015.
Speaker: Lucile Kellis, Head of Data Science and Analytics, Steer

Lucile is the head of Data Science and Analytics at Steer in North America with over 15 years’ experience managing transportation demand forecasting projects. She holds a Master of Science from the Massachusetts of Institute of Technology and a Diplôme d’Ingénieur in Civil Engineering from Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics. She is an expert in econometric and behavioral analysis for travel demand forecasting, and has managed several high-profile demand forecasting projects for large infrastructure schemes.
She is currently leading a major demand analysis effort for the New York City Department of Transportation, and manages a rail demand analysis at EWR airport and a large auto and commercial vehicle market analysis for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
Prior to joining Steer, Lucile worked as a senior consultant at Charles River Associate (CRA) conducting analysis of econometric models for use in large-scale mergers and litigation cases. Prior to joining CRA, Lucile worked as a research assistant in the Department of Civil Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and also interned in the Office of Economics and Strategic Analysis with the U.S. Department of Transportation.
Speaker: Dora Varvarigou, Professor NTUA, Chairman BoD EYDAP S.A.

Theodora Varvarigou is a professor at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). She received the B. Tech degree in Electrical Engineering from NTUA in 1988, the MS degrees in Electrical Engineering (1989) and in Computer Science (1991) from Stanford University, California.
She received her Ph.D. degree from Stanford University as well in 1991. She has worked as a researcher at AT&T Bell Labs, USA and as an Assistant Professor at the Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece. Prof. Varvarigou has great experience in cutting edge technologies, such as Cloud computing, multimedia content processing, semantic web, social networking technologies etc.
She has published more than 200 papers in leading international journals, conferences and books. She has participated and co-ordinated numerous EC projects. From 2008-2012, she held the chair of the postgraduate program “Engineering Economic Systems” of NTUA. Since June 2019 she was elected as the Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of EYDAP.
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(Monday) 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm(GMT-11:00)
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