Workshops – Accelerator at MITEF Greece 2020
4 Amazing weekends – 22 Great Inspiring Teams – 6 Fantastic speakers – 1 Accelerator program
Our first weekend in MITEF Greece has started with a very dynamic pace and eagerness to succeed. Our partners, Dr. Constantine Moros and Mr. Elias Vyzas from EY and Mrs. Eirini Zaglanica from Potamitis Vekris have provided very important information and guidance on how to create a successful startup, who your customer is and what you can do for your customer. Workshops’ content is based on the methodology of Dr. Bill Aulet, Managing Director of the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship at MIT and Professor of the Practice at the MIT Sloan School of Management and author of Disciplined Entrepreneurship: 24 Steps to a Successful Startup.

During our 2nd educational weekend, our Semifinalists have participated in Workshops no. 4 “How do you make money off your product” and no. 5 “How do you design and build your product” completed by our appreciated partner EY and Dr. Constantine Moros, while on Saturday evening, Mr. Manos Vrontis, General Manager at Brain up, has presented “the Art of Negotiation”.

Our workshops continued, our teams are getting prepared and during the 3rd weekend, MITEF Greece semifinalists had the opportunity to attend a “How do you scale your business?” training performed by our esteemed partner EY and Dr. Constantine Moros.
Additionally, Mr. Kostas Kampakis, Managing Director at ForestView – Think Digital provided the knowledge and the tools on how to design and implement the perfect digital marketing plan for our teams’ companies and products.

“Life is a Pitch! Make yours amazing!” What a perfect way to kick-start the week with this amazing Mentor, Mrs. Linda Plano, that offered to our entrepreneurs the Perfect Pitch training. All teams have thoroughly prepared and practiced their presentation, getting ready for the Perfect pitch night in two weeks. During this great event, investors, judges, mentors and professionals from various industries will see our Startups perform their pitch Live on stage.

Follow our page and learn more about our Semi-Finalists, as they are getting themselves ready to master the floor and prepare the perfect pitch to our Investors, Mentors and Judges during the Exclusive MITEF Greece Pitch night event.
#mitefgreece #technology #innovation #startups #tech #entrepreneurship #startupcompetition #semifinalists2020
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